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El Tradicionari en la revista Frontiers in Psychology. Nuevo artículo de Biel Pubill-Soler

Biel Pubill-Soler, reconocido investigador, divulgador y por su labor de experimentación en la práctica real, ha publicado en la revista Frontiers in Psychology, el artículo , «Book Review: Els jocs i els esports Tradicionals. Tradicionari» .

Como indica el professor Pubill, el Tradicionari es una obra publicada por Enciclopedia Catalana, que busca «mostrar las diferentes dimensiones culturales de la tradición popular catalana».

El artículo analiza la obra «Tradicionari«, desarrollada bajo la batuta del Dr Pere Lavega, coordinando un equipo de 25 especialistas, con la aportación introductoria del Dr Pierre Parlebas.  

Biel Pubill-Soler realiza sus aportaciones en referencia al Vol. 3, sobre el Jocs i els esports tradicionals, (311 paginas ISBN: 84-412-1390-9,).

La obra, experiencias y trayectoria de Biel Pubill-Soler puede seguirse en su blog, » Ben jugat! Jocs tradicionals».

Esta aportación en forma de blog, es una obra completa con caràcter científico y divulgativo, innumerables referencias a contenido de todo tipo. Además, aporta un catalogo completo de sugerencias y experiencias prácticas a seguir indudablemente por parte de cualquier persona interesada en la ludomotricidad


Playing ludomotor activities in Lleida during Spanish civil war. An ethnomotor approach

Posted on 29 September, 2020 by Enric Ormo
In order to categorise and describe the set of variables of both internal and external logic in an ethnomotor situation, Rafael Luchorro has developed the table below.

It is presented in its adaptation for the article «The Traditional Sporting Games as a mirror of society. The case of the Games in Lleida, in the Spanish Civil War», by Rafael Luchoro-Parrilla, Enric Ormo-Ribes, Pere Lavega-Burgués, Rosa Rodríguez-Arregi, Aaron Rillo-Albert and Miguel Pic. The objective is the study of the traditional sport game during the Spanish Civil War.

Based on the different possibilities presented in each domain of motor action, it categorises the possible variables and offers a description of them.

This contribution allows researchers to have a reference to follow for other studies.

Ethnomotricity Motor actions Sector Variable Category Description

Internal Logic

Rules IL- Rule Play 1. Motor situation with rules
Game 2. Motor situation without rules
Relationship with others IL- Interation Psychomotor 3. Motor situation without motor interaction among players
Sociomotor 4. Motor situation with motor interaction among playmates or opponents
IL- Domain Psychomotor 5. Motor situation without motor interaction among players
Cooperation 6. Motor situation with motor interaction among two or more playmates
Opposition 7. Motor situation with motor interaction among two or more opponents
Cooperation- Opposition 8. Motor situation with motor interaction among playmates and opponents
IL- Psychomotor-Structure Alone 9. Psychomotor situation played by just one player
Alternate Comotricity 10.Psychomotor situation where players act in different moments
Simultaneous Comotricity 11.Psychomotor situation where players act in different zones
IL- Opposition-Structure Opposition- Alternate Intermotricity 12.Motor situation where the opposition is done by contacting opponent objects
Individual Duel 13.Motor situation of opposition between two players
All * All 14.Motor situation of opposition among all the players
One * All 15.Motor situation of opposition between a player against the other players
IL- Coop/Oppo Structure Coop-Oppo (CO) Alternate Intermotricity 16.Motor situation where the C and O  is done by contacting playmates or opponent objects
Team Duel 17. Motor situation of C-O between two teams
Team*Others 18. Motor situation of C-O with a team against the other players
Paradoxical 19. Motor situation of C-O where players can become playmates or opponents at the same moment
IL- Communication Exclusiveness Exclusive Net 20. Motor situation where players are exclusively playmates or opponents.
Ambivalent Net 21. Motor situation where players can be playmates and opponents during the mach/game.
IL- Communication  Stability Stable Net 22. Motor situation where players maintain the same C or O ratio during the mach/game
Unstable Net 23.     Motor situation where players can change the C or O ratio during the mach/game
IL- Scoring interactions network Cooperation Goal Net 24.     Motor situation where success (point or role change) is achieved through cooperative actions
Antagonistic Scoring interaction network 25.     Motor situation where success (point or role change) is achieved through opposition actions
Mixed Scoring interactions network 26.  Motor situation where success (point or role change) is achieved through cooperative and opposition actions
No  Scoring interactions network 27. Motor situation without score interaction (psicomotor or cooperative)
IL- Opposition Type Interaction Oppo-Body contact 28. Motor situation where opposition takes place through body contact
Oppo-Objects contact 29. Motor situation where opposition takes place through objects
IL- Opposition Body Agressivity Oppo-By simple contact 30.  Motor situation where opposition takes place through a simple body contact.
Oppo Body contact-objects 31. Motor situation where opposition takes place through the body contact with objects
Oppo-Strong hit to body 32. Motor situation where opposition takes place through a strong impact on the body
Oppo Permanent body contact 33. Motor situation where opposition takes place through permanent body contact
IL- Roles Changes Network Fixed Roles 34. Motor situation where players do not change roles during the game
Local change Roles 35. Motor situation where players changing roles do not change partner or adversary relationship
General change Roles 36.  Motor situation where players changing roles change partner or adversary relationship
Relationship with material IL- Object With objects 37. Motor situation where motor actions take place through objects
No objects 38. Motor situation where motor actions take place without objects.
Relationship with space IL- Space Stability Stable Space 39. Motor situation  in an environment without uncertainty or contingencies
Unstable Space 40. Motor situation in an uncertain or unpredictable environment
IL- Space as Objective Fixed human space 41. Motor situation where players are looking for a fixed human space
Mobile human space 42.Motor situation in which the players look for a human space with movement
Fixed artificial space 43.Motor situation where players are looking for a fixed artificial space
Mobile artificial space 44.Motor situation where players are looking for an artificial space with movement
IL- Coop-Opposition Charge Distance Almost null Charge distance 45.Motor situation in the interaction is done with almost no distance (minus 1 meter)
Reduced contact charge distance 46.Motor situation in the interaction is done with a distance of 1 to 3 meters
Median  contact charge distance 47.Motor situation in the interaction is done with a distance of  3 to 5 meters
Long charge distance 48.Motor situation in the interaction is done with a distance of >5 meters
IL- Oppos Guard Distance Almost null Guard Distance 49.Motor situation where at the beginning the players are separated to an almost null distance (less than 1 meter)
Reduced Guard Distance 50.Motor situation where at the beginning the players are separated at a distance of  1 to 3 meters
Median Guard Distance 51.Motor situation where at the beginning the players are separated at a distance of 3 to 5 meters
Long Guard Distance 52.Motor situation where at the beginning the players are separated at a distance of 5 meters
Relationship with time IL- Score Finished Task 53.Motor situation which ends after performing a task (jump, run, throw…)
Score Limit 54.Motor situation which ends after reaching a number of points
Time limit 55.Motor situation which ends after a time limit
Score-Time limit 56.Motor situation which ends after reaching a number of points or after a set time has elapsed
Without Score 57.Motor situation without end
External Logic

Type of Game EL-Military Game Military Game 58.Motor situation with military connotations
Non Military Game 59.Motor situation without military connotations
Protagonists EL- Age Children 60. Motor situation practiced by children
Youth 61.Motor situation practiced by young people
Adults 62.Motor situation practiced by adults
Children-Youth 63.Motor situation practiced by children & young people
All ages 64.Motor situation practiced by people of different ages
EL- Gender Only male 65.Motor situation practiced by the male gender
Only female 66.Motor situation practiced by the female gender
Separated Male or Female 67.Motor situation practiced by the male or female gender separately
Mixed Male-Female 68.Motor situation practiced by the masculine and feminine gender together
Material EL- Material Provenance Artificial material 69.Motor situation practiced with objects obtained from an artificial environment
Natural material 70.Motor situation practiced with objects obtained from a natural environment
Natural – artificial material 71.Motor situation practiced with objects obtained from an artificial or natural environment
Bought material 72.Motor situation practiced with bought objects
Without material 73.Motor situation practiced without objects
EL- Material Modification Modified non-military material 74.Motor situation practiced with modified non-military objects
Unmodified non-military material 75.Motor situation practiced with non-modified non-military objects
Unmodified Military material 76.Motor situation practiced with non-modified military objects
Without Material 77.Motor situation practiced without objets
EL- Material Elaboration Handmade Material 78.Motor situation practiced with objects made by the players
External made Material 79.Motor situation with objects made by other people
Without Material elaboration 80.Motor situation practiced without objets
Zones EL- Zones Location Inside  – Zones 81.Motor situation practiced in an indoor space
Outside – Zones 82.Motor situation practiced in an outdoor space
In-Out – Zones 83.Motor situation practiced in an indoor or outdoor space
EL- Zones Preparation Prepared – Zone 84.Motor situation practiced in a space prepared specifically for the game
Poorly prepared – Zone 85.Motor situation practiced in an barely prepared space for the game
Not Prepared – Zone 86.Motor situation practiced in an unconditioned space.
Temporal Location EL- Calendar With calendar 87.Motor situation practiced according to a schedule
Without  calendar 88.Motor situation practice at any time of the year